article: Military muscle: Thousands of veterans are potential boost to NC labor force
16MAY2023 - Charlotte, NC - At a time when companies are struggling to hire, there’s a lot of interest in veterans who are transitioning to civilian life. North Carolina has one of the largest concentrations of military in the nation, more than 101,000 active-duty personnel at places such as Fort Bragg in Fayetteville, Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point in Havelock, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in Goldsboro, and the Coast Guard base in Elizabeth City.
Press Release: Governor Cooper Proclaims Employ a Veteran Week
4NOV2022 - Raleigh, NC - North Carolina will celebrate “Employ A Veteran Week,” November 7-11, with a variety of events that help connect veterans to jobs and other services, Governor Roy Cooper announced today.
“We owe our military service members, veterans and their families a debt of gratitude for their contributions to their communities and our nation,” Governor Cooper said. “In addition to honoring our heroes with jobs, employers get excellent, well trained, motivated and disciplined employees when they hire veterans, and we want to support and encourage more of it."
Video: Veterans Day Interview
10Nov2018 - JACKSONVILLE, NC - Today, Veterans Day, we are reminded of their service and the importance of ensuring veterans can successfully transition to the civilian workforce. The value and contributions veterans make to our local economy is also worth noting. It is our mission that every employer across North Carolina actively recruit and hire veterans who can bring their proven skills, experiences, and leadership qualities to the workplace. America’s veterans are ready to work. NC4ME is ready to assist. LISTEN NOW - 99.9FM HD2 RDU Traingle, Veterans Day Interview with Kimberly Williams, Executive Director, NC4ME
Press Release: NC4ME Presented as a Model Program to ESGR National Leadership
16NOV2017 - Washington, DC - NC4ME team members provided a presentation to senior officials at the ESGR National Leadership Meeting. The presentation detailed how NC4ME got key public and private sector organizations working together on the same team, how its joint strategy provides unique value to North Carolina’s military employment environment, and how leaders in other states can implement similar programs.
Video & Article:NC4ME Featured on TWC News' "Salute to Troops"
17NOV2016 - RALEIGH, NC - Time Warner Cable News interviewed Kimberly Williams on Veterans Day to discuss how NC4ME is changing the Veteran Employment environment across our state. This piece was part of their week-long tribute to veterans.
Audio: Employment Prospects Improving for NC Veterans
19MAY2016 - NEW BERN, NC - NC4ME has played a pivotal roll in reducing North Carolina's veteran unemployment rate through an employer-centric focus of the problem. The audio features Sgt. Josh Villegas of the North Carolina National Guard, who highlights the problems our veterans face when leaving the service.
Video: Fort Bragg Hiring Event - NC Office of Human Resources
6APR2016 - FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. - This video showcases the unique Hiring Events that are held by NC4ME at NC military installments. At these hiring events qualified military job candidates come prepared to interview with pre-determined companies. The objective is to employ as many exiting military members as possible. Watch the video to learn more!
Audio: Focus on Business - NC4ME NC Veterans Employment Initiative
3MAR2016 - CHAPEL HILL, N.C. - NC4ME: We Trust Them with Our Country. You can Trust them with Your Business is the tagline of the NC for Military Employment. Guests today are Kimberly Williams and Retired Brigadier General James Gorham of NC4ME that’s NC for Military Employment.
Video & Article: Statewide Initiative Focuses on Employers to Boost Military Hiring
24FEB2016 - COLFAX, N.C. - North Carolina for Military Employment (NC4ME), an initiative started by Gov. Pat McCrory in March 2015, continues efforts to improve job prospects for service members and veterans. A summit Wednesday at Guilford Technical Community College drew private sector employers, current and former military members and government officials...
Article: Williams Receives ESGR Seven Seals Award for NC4ME Work
19FEB2016 - Raleigh, N.C. - Kimberly Williams, Executive Director of North Carolina for Military Employment (NC4ME) and an ESGR volunteer, was presented the ESGR Seven Seals Award by the North Carolina ESGR Committee...
Article: IT Awareness Day planned Feb. 19
17JAN2016 - Fayetteville, N.C. - Fort Bragg's Soldier for Life program is hosting an IT Awareness Day on February 19th, 2016. The event, sponsored by Cisco and North Carolina for Military Employment (NC4ME), will provide military personnel with tips and information regarding a future career in IT after their service.
USO of NC joins NC4ME Team
15JAN2016 - RALEIGH, NC - On January 15, North Carolina for Military Employment (NC4ME) announced that the USO of North Carolina would be an official Program Partner, enabling both organizations to expand their efforts to address military employment concerns by leveraging workforce development resources and technology...
Press Release: NC for Military Employment Hosts Inaugural Military Employment Summit
18AUG2015 - RALEIGH, N.C. – On Tuesday, Aug. 18, NC for Military Employment (NC4ME) launched its Military Employment Summit series with a well-attended event at MetLife’s Global Technology Campus in Cary, NC. Designed to help NC companies integrate military hiring into their workforce strategy and make annual veteran hiring commitments, this inaugural Summit was attended by more than 100 industry, government and military leaders...
Article: NC-4-ME focuses on military employment
3AUG2015 - JACKSONVILLE, N.C. – Nearly 30,000 service members will transition out of the military through North Carolina's Department of Defense installations this year alone. The problem currently facing the state is that employers and transitioning service members do not always know how to connect. And that’s where a relatively new initiative can step in...
Radio & Article: Help Wanted: Programs Pairs NC Veterans with Employers
22JUL2015 - JACKSONVILLE, N.C. - More than 372,000 working age veterans live in North Carolina, and after dedicating a part of their lives to the military, many of them have trouble finding employment, according to a new public-private endeavor in the state. North Carolina for Military Employment, or NC-4-ME, aims to educate employers on the benefits of hiring veterans...
Video: North Carolina is Putting Veterans Back to Work - Gov. Pat McCrory
20NOV2014 - RALEIGH, N.C. - “Veterans come to the civilian world after being part of an elite workforce, the United States military. Today’s veteran is the most technically proficient and best trained in our nation’s history. They have the proven knowledge, skills and workplace ethic that employers are looking for.”